Greyhounds As Pets is committed to assisting you in rehoming your greyhounds. For entry into the Rehoming pathways you will need to complete the greyhound detail form below. This will initiate the assessment process.

Please complete the form below and once received, we will contact you to confirm your appointment for assessment.

Greyhound Intake Form

DECLARATION, UNDERTAKINGS & AUTHORISATIONS I declare that the particulars contained in this form are true and correct and that I understand it is a serious offence under the Greyhound Racing Rules and the Greyhound Racing Act 2017 (NSW) to make a false declaration and / or provide false or misleading information at any time to GRNSW. I will advise GRNSW if there is any change in the particulars in this form. I understand that failure to disclose full and accurate information to GRNSW when requested by GRNSW as part of its welfare, regulatory and supervisory activities may result in penalties and further action being taken by GRNSW or other relevant regulatory and law enforcement agencies.

PRIVACY POLICY By signing this document you consent to us (Greyhound Racing New South Wales ABN 61 018 166 136, our related bodies corporate, affiliates and agents) collecting, using, holding and disclosing personal information about you. You can find out more about how we deal with your privacy by viewing our privacy policy and obtain further personal information (including sensitive information) about you during the course of our dealings with you. The terms of this consent apply to the collection, use and disclosure of that information. If you do not provide us with this consent or provide us with your personal information we may not be able to provide services to you.